Our monthly employee safety program includes hours of continuing education.

It is the policy of Aspen Painting and Coatings to provide a place of employment reasonably free from hazards which may cause illness, injury or death to our employees. We have established an effective and continuous safety program incorporating educational and monitoring procedures maintained to teach safety, correct deficiencies and provide a safe working environment. All company supervisors including Superintendents, Foremen, and Crew Leaders are responsible for the enforcement of safety policies and practices through weekly employee training and safety audits. Company supervisors are trained monthly, are competent in all aspects of our safety program, and are OSHA certified, including OSHA 10 & 30 hr. We have proudly maintained an EMOD rate of .84 and have zero OSHA violations.
For information on our OSHA 10 and 30 hour training classes, contact Amber Pappas.